Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Wow he is 5 months old tomorrow

Well here is it my first Blog.... can you believe my little dude will be 5 months old tomorrow... we truly are blessed to have 2 such awesome and gorgeous kids....

Alexis rocks as a big sister , she plays with him, makes him laugh and is very good at letting me know when he is crying or has rolled over.. LOL... she also is very rough, loud and in his face.. but he sure does love her ......

Cameron is just the best baby he rarely cries, sleeps all night and is very content.....which is good for me....

We are just in the process of booking and planning a trip to Phuket Thailand next month.. that should be wonderful... wish us luck in traveling with 2 kids LOL.....

I have the Lollipop market on February 19th so busy sewing lots of Raffies for that... hopefully its successful :)

I am even attempting to sew myself a skirt ..... oh and tomorrow i start back at weight watchers again to loose this excess baby weight.... Wish me Luck....


  1. Good luck Mrs Raffie - you will be awesome!

  2. Hey Jo I need to put in an order for Jaxons giraffe... His bedroom is a Zoo aniamls theme... Oh and this is my blogspot addy. Please stop by and add me too... hugs Glenice xx
